Weekly Linkage

…a devotee of any Power that exists in a shared field with any other devotee […] is likely to get fucked up if they can’t cope with the idea of that Power having private time with other people. They share unique and complex expressions of relationship with each of us; They have to, in order to suit our often highly individual needs. Although some of our interactions and experiences will line up in interesting and perhaps even meaningful patterns, many will not and we have to be OK with that, and not worry about that or second-guess ourselves or prod too much at one another. 

Silence Maestas, ‘Patience with the Broken Things‘ on Walking the Heartroad

Nicholas Haney, on The Thought Forge, has a variety of posts on spirits: spirits of the forest, of the dead, of the waters. He also wrote a post on the spirits of Michigan State University and the spirits of Michigan.

The point is, if you’re constantly waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect experience, the perfect explanation – you’re literally never going to be satisfied.

Sara, ‘On Satisfaction‘ on Lightning Struck

This post on KALLISTI hits a lot of my own personal interests, namely clothing and textiles. I’m hoping to get back into sewing my own clothes again. Frankly, clothes shopping has always been a frustrating experience for me, sometimes bordering on tears. As much difficult as sewing my own outfits brings I prefer it to struggling to find clothes I like that fit me and fit the styles I like.

We are all human, and the limit of human rationality is the human brain itself.

Kaye, ‘The Machines We Built, The Nightmares They Make of Us‘ on KALLISI

Lastly, here’s a lovely post by Yvonne Aburrow on instinctive witchcraft.