Intro to the Ophelia

Table of Contents
→ Overview
→ The God
→ Function & Applicability
→ Order, Court, & House
→ Prayers & Offerings


  • Name: the Ophelia
  • Main Epithet: The River
  • Domain: Time
  • Placement: Second
  • Color: Blue
  • Symbol: Hourglass
  • Element: Water (freshwater)
  • Sacred Weapon: The River Itself
  • House: Hull
  • Court: Blue
  • Order: Rue

The God

the Ophelia is the second god of the Other People. She is the god of sorrow, time, and rivers. She shares dominion over water with the Laethelia. With the Ophelene, she presides over duty and obligations. She also possesses knowledge of transformation with the Laetha; the Ophelia specializes in transformation through drowning.

She is the parent of the Dierne Pallis and lover to the Clarene. She acts as a staying force to the Laetha’s fire power.

She appears as a pale woman with dark hair streaming down her back into a river. She is one of the tallest of the gods, arching into the sky at full height. Occasionally masked and occasionally veiled, she wears blue and deep green gowns and obscures most of her skin. She can appear as a giant flaming blue bird or a dark horse. Her energy is sorrowful and deep and, as expected, drowning in quality.

Her colors are blue and blackish tints of green. Her spirits often appear in those colors. Her Order, Rue, emphasizes silence, contemplation, and patience. Her Court is Blue Court. They are known as the ‘deliberate Court’.

the Ophelia represents integrity.

Function & Applicability

the Ophelia is best understood as a Protector, shielding us from our fears and worries. She is also a Challenger, however, and will not let us hide forever from what needs confronting. She relates to the spirits as a healer and taskmaster.

She has dominion over time and healing arts. The People turn to her for aid in soothing emotional wounds. She can also help with the study and practice of divination.

the Ophelia is our guide in duty and cleansing rites. Physically she can be connected to rivers and streams as well as snow-capped mountains. She is felt in lakeside cabins.

Holding dominion over freshwater, she is good to call on during preparatory and cleansing rites. Her presence during ritual and prayer can be rushing and dark and leave us feeling depressed. She can bring blessings of clarity and improved integrity to our lives.

Order, Court, & House

the Ophelia’s Order is Rue. Joining a god’s order is done by humans as a way to devote themselves more fully to a god. Rue cultivates subtly and studiousness as part of their devotion.

Courts are those spirits that serve the god directly. the Ophelia’s Court is Blue Court. They reside in the underworld Lake and Lake Cabins. They are known for their solitude and sharp observations. Their leader is the spirit Mallory. They are most active during spring and fall seasons and twilight times such as dawn and dusk. As the Ophelia can be petitioned for emotional aid, so can her Court.

House Hull is the Ophelia’s family. Gods ‘adopt’ spirits into their House, providing protection and stability. House Hull is sparsely populated by outcast spirits associated with rot and death. It is not run by any spirit.

A spirit may be from one Court, like the Ophelia’s, yet be part of another god’s House. Orders and Courts are not equal to Houses. More information on Houses, Courts, and Orders can be found here.

Prayers & Offerings

The simplest prayer you can make is, ‘Ophelia, to you I pray.’ You may begin any prayer to the gods by calling their name. You may also insert the god’s name into prayer you already use. Plain speaking, as if to another person, is also an acceptable prayer. Specifying which god you wish to speak with is recommended. If you desire to speak to all of the Other People’s gods, you may begin your prayers with, ‘Four Gods, to you I pray’.

Praying to the gods – whether a short prayer or plain spoken prayers – is most effective when done consistently. Aim for once a week.

You may also give offerings to the gods. These offerings may be placed on an altar or shrine or whatever space you have available. Tea, water, and incense are good basic offerings for all the gods.

Flowery teas are a good option for the Ophelia, but citrus teas should be avoided.

Rather than giving the entirety of a drink or meal, you can set aside a small portion of food/drink and consume the rest. Liquid offerings may be poured down the drain; solid or food offerings may be discarded in the trash.

It tends to feel most ‘natural’ to set out offerings on a plate, bowl, or cup and say a prayer to the god(s) you are giving the objects to. Once you have finished your prayer you can discard the objects or, if you have the space, leave non-food objects where they are.

Good offerings for the Ophelia include stones from rivers or streams, handmade clothes or blankets, ramen, and fish.

Offerings are not required for basic Otherfaith worship. Prayer may be said aloud or silently. Factor in your housing situation and own ability when deciding how to pray and what to offer.