Tag Archives: reading

[Saturday] Life Updates

Traditionally women have prepared their homes for summer by getting rid of anything that was hot or heavy-looking. Sarah Ban Breathnach


from Ceisiwr Serith’s A Book of Pagan Prayer (Amazon link)
(Alterations are noted with brackets)

As comings in and goings out,
my prayers bracket my day.

It is my privilege to perform my morning prayers.
It is my honor to do what should be done.
As I rise with the morning, fog lifting slowly from my mind,
I pray not to forget these truths.

My day begins again,
and again I dedicate myself to the service of the gods.
May it be their tasks I perform.
As the day wears on, keep before my eyes, [Hand Holder],
the path of the [Four Gods],
that I may not forget that it is to them that I have dedicated my life,
so that every action may be an offering to them.

In the morning, everything is new.
The day’s blank slate lies before me,
ready for my writing.
May it be words of beauty I write.
May it be deeds of grace I do.
May it be thoughts of joy I think.
[Holy Ones], listen:
This is what I pray.


from the Otherfaith prayer book:

‘The First Prayer’
Speak we now, the first prayer of the People.
Clarene Ophelia Laetha Dierne
We praise the Four Gods of Western Faery –
you who burn, you who bury, you who dance, you who drown;
We sing to you your praises,
We speak to you your words,
that we may know and love you.
This we pray.

‘Morning Prayer’
Clarene Ophelia Laetha Dierne –
I wake today to thoughts of you.
Laethelia Ophelene Darren Liathane –
I go through the day along with you.
This I pray.

Reading List:

Turning Point: Essays on a new Unitarian Universalism edited by Frediric Muir (Amazon link)

Managing Your Mind: The Mental Fitness Guide by Gillian Butler and Tony Hope (Amazon link)

Taking Sacred Back by Nels and Judy Linde (Amazon link)