Monthly Archives: January 2016

How To Read

In 2010, with a small group of other young Pagans and polytheists, I created the Otherfaith. The tradition was intended to be technology and urban friendly, with a focus on the house spirits and fairies our group was learning about. Eventually we came to know the Gods that make up the Otherfaith pantheon: the Four+ Gods. These new (or, as Morgan Daimler describes them, liminal) Gods are Whom the Other People give devotion to.

I wrote about the Otherfaith from 2011-onwards, across various online platforms. This included old defunct Blogger sites, Tumblr, various free webhosting sites, the older Otherfaith WordPress site, and a Patheos Pagan blog.

Here, on the current Otherfaith blog, I’ve been a lot quieter. A big reason why is that I don’t wish to be misunderstood. A competent writer knows that if one’s readers are consistently misinterpreting one’s work, well, the problem likely lies with the author (excluding bad faith readings, of course). But if fear paralyzes me I can’t serve the Gods in the way I know best: telling Their stories, Their truths.

May you take this in the spirit it is written, and may it find those it is meant for.

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