Author Archives: Aine Llewellyn

Daily Tarot 1 Jan – 5 Jan

From my Bullet Journal, notes for the single card draws each day of the past week. The two decks I am using are the Shadowscapes Tarot and The Children of Litha.

1 January 2020

Word of the Day: Mutineer/Mismanage

Shadowscapes – XI Justice: Her holiness again. Fair is fair. All are equal before Her. Do not take sides. Do not rush to judgement. You are not the Holy Ones; leave such troubles to Them. She balances all things. Before Her our own lies and ego must fade. Only Truth remains.

Children of Litha – VII Strength: “Be compassionate to all I meet.” Even in the face of anger and hostility, be kind. Reach in gentleness and good faith. Do not pose. Do not posture.Do not attack. Tame the lion with your heart. Neither wit nor physical force will win here. Compassion will.

2 January 2020

Word of the Day: Capitalize

Shadowscapes – IX The Hermit: Space and time to yourself are important. Allow yourself space to be quiet and reflective. Stand atop a balanced stone of your life, unneglected, as you allow your gaze to aim toward the clouds. Your lamp lights the way for others. Share it.

Children of Litha – XIII Death: A mermaid grasps a skeleton crowned in gold. His reign ended; She remains. Each year we must die and wait for rebirth in the Holy River. Her waters cleanse and renew – and strip away our dead cells/selves until flowers bloom. The Eternal Cycle. (the Ophelia is dark and mysterious and easily misunderstood. Her lessons harsh. Her presence powerful. Her visage frightening. Her body? Bones and beauty, flowering in murk, relentlessly cleansing, magnificent in Her Eternal Sorrow.)

3 January 2020

Word of the Day: Incarnate

Shadowscapes – Queen of Swords: Orchid grower. Sending out eloquent thoughts, fleshed words, intelligence given physical form. She lets silence and implication do the heavy lifting. Refine communication and behavior – more refined than you, surely. Avoid such comparisons.

Children of Litha – X of Wands: Haul in your prize. Your accomplishments heavy, prepare to accept the weight. You will feast well and long if you cultivate what you have caught. Jealousy and vultures may try to steal away your goals; rein in your vindictiveness. Do not let arrogance guide you, foolish cat.

4 January 2020

Word of the Day: Scrupulous

Shadowscapes – 0 The Fool: On the cusp of her journey, held up by doves and ribbon, watched by an idle intrigued fox. The monkeys hold their meaning sprouted in their palm and she tips, prepared, into the unknown. Begin the journey anew. Accept your novice. Accept your aching knowledge and open yourself to the New and see the Known as Unknown.

Children of Litha – 6 of Pentacles: Remember charity. Give, within means, and give kindly. We feel best in community when we not only take but return. Gifts are of many sorts; give all as you can.

5 January 2020

Word of the Day: Opening

Shadowscapes – 0 The Fool: Beginning the journey…again. Eternally we return as naive novice. This is not shameful. We will find what we seek if we commit to the Fall. Approach with an innocence, a naivety, a happy eager newness.

Children of Litha – Page of Swords: Connected to the Fool’s new journey. All exploratory, eager learning, eager sharing. Do your research, avoid gullibility, but do not give in to anxiety or fear. Pursue Truth and Goodness and the Gods. Seek eternal. Do not jump to assumptions of truth or falsehood without facts. Cultivate critical thinking.

Weekly Linkage

I think everyone knows what it’s like to not feel magickal when you truly want to feel magickal.

Jason Mankey, ‘Dirty Witchcraft Secrets

John Beckett has a post on boundaries and roles within Paganism and Pagan traditions that I found to be useful in some of its framing.

We often talk, in the Pagan community, about not taking our Gods for granted, about not only coming to them with requests and seeking help.  And while I have seen the topic of watching the tone in which we speak to spirits discussed, it is much rarer to see a discussion about making sure all our relationships are balanced and go both ways.

Kylara, ‘Ethical spirit work

I enjoyed this post, on Agora, about considering what we spend our time worried and preoccupied with. Not exactly the most novel of topics, but one that is best returned to again and again. Especially in this season.

Sometimes, in order to hold onto our core beliefs and keep them authentic, we learn to build walls in our minds to separate us from the other systems, which often works very well. The only difficulty is that the walls often take on a life of their own.  They become powerful entities in themselves if we are not constantly vigilant, that can narrow our understanding and move us toward becoming dogmatic and isolated. The main way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to begin to learn about other traditions and religions, connecting with what is aligned with our ideology and leaving the other behind.

Om Prakash Gilmore, ‘How Many Religions Can You Speak?

Thenea on Magick from Scratch wrote a short post questioning the appeal of dangerous deities.

Finally, some self-promotion, for a post I wrote on Patheos earlier this week: Preparing for Unsafe Gods.