Category Archives: Updates

Intros to the Latter Four Gods

The basic essays for the latter Four Gods, the Laethelia, Ophelene, Darren, and Liathane, are up for view. They technically went live Friday, but I was late for this update.

You can find the post below. There is some lack of information for these later gods, as we simply don’t have enough experience with them yet. I look forward to updating their pages as we learn more.

If you want to see these pages a week early, or want to see in-process work, you can become my patron at Patreon. Every dollar helps!

Intros to the Four Gods

As part of the new vibes for 2017, the previous introductory pages for the Four Gods have been redone. The pages for the First Four Gods (Clarene, Ophelia, Laetha, Dierne) are live; the pages for the Latter Four Gods will be up this time next week.

One reason I wanted to rewrite these pages was because the previous iterations were unwieldy. They may have been long, but they were sparse on useful information. The updated articles are hopefully much better at getting you acquainted with the gods and ready to worship them if desired.

I don’t want to completely scrap the previous articles I wrote. Instead I want to create more in-depth essays about the gods, truly comprehensive articles that can help those wishing to explore a god further. My goal at the moment, however, is to get people comfortable enough to start devotion with the Four+ Gods.

If you want to see these pages a week early, or want to see in-process work, you can become my patron at Patreon. Every dollar helps!

[Wednesday] New Year Updates

Happy New Years.

Reunion came with enough warning, but I still found myself taken by surprise. This Reunion I had decided to cook big meals for breakfast and dinner. Homemade biscuits, eggs and sausage, bacon, home fries – breakfast itself was an adventure. Then came a quick nap before jumping into cooking for dinner. I had prepped the vegetables the night before. Cutting up the carrots, leeks, potatoes, and then cooking the food that could be prepared beforehand, saved me much needed time on Christmas-Reunion day.

We had a small party with family and friends. There was soup, and many roasted veggies, and a roasted chicken. Pie and cream cheese brownies, not to mention other cookies, were there for dessert.

It was a wonderful day. I spent the day after catching up on sleep.

Previous Reunions have been very Laetha and Dierne-centric to me. I have been able to understand those gods and their relationship deeper. This Reunion I felt closest to the Ophelene and Liathane, as well as some of the other spirits. It was a welcome change. I had often suspected that the ‘focus’ of a Reunion could shift from one pair of gods to another as time went on but had not yet truly experienced such.

My association with 2016-2017’s Reunion with the Ophelene was only strengthened when preparing for the new year. I love journaling (and writing in general, truly shocking), and so I am utilizing a reflective journal in 2017 to help with self-improvement. I found myself contemplating virtues I want to cultivate in this new year. Whether ‘ambition’ or ‘faith’, I could tie the virtues to the Ophelene. I could tie them to each of the gods, of course, but the Ophelene had been large in my life for 2016. Hopefully, I can take the lessons I was beginning to learn into 2017.

Resolutions are, of course, a large part of the death of the old year. One resolution I made was to share more of my writing. I did not write as much last year as I wanted, but my ultimately failing was not sharing my writing. I have a high word goal this year. I am resolved to share half of my writing of that.

I am also reading some books I have found immensely helpful in my spiritual life in the past. I never finished the books. If I put my mind and dedication to it, however, I am sure I can completely the books this year. I do have to factor in the more general life considerations – schooling, looking for work, household tasks – but that shouldn’t be an issue. Theoretically.

For this site, I’ve a fair amount planned.

  • Basics Posts: -1K word posts covering the very basics of the gods, following a similar format.
  • Masterposts: long posts covering in-depth information of the gods as we currently have it, with complete links to relevant information and references
  • Fanfic: new oneshots each month and updates to ongoing stories once a month as well
  • Weekly Songs: these posts will be returning, on Mondays
  • End of Week Post: ideally around 1K word posts concerning the events of the past week and covering prayers, rituals, altars, and other in-progress religious shenanigans

I look forward to going into 2017 with you all. I leave you with the playlist for my family’s Reunion: you can listen here.

How To Read

In 2010, with a small group of other young Pagans and polytheists, I created the Otherfaith. The tradition was intended to be technology and urban friendly, with a focus on the house spirits and fairies our group was learning about. Eventually we came to know the Gods that make up the Otherfaith pantheon: the Four+ Gods. These new (or, as Morgan Daimler describes them, liminal) Gods are Whom the Other People give devotion to.

I wrote about the Otherfaith from 2011-onwards, across various online platforms. This included old defunct Blogger sites, Tumblr, various free webhosting sites, the older Otherfaith WordPress site, and a Patheos Pagan blog.

Here, on the current Otherfaith blog, I’ve been a lot quieter. A big reason why is that I don’t wish to be misunderstood. A competent writer knows that if one’s readers are consistently misinterpreting one’s work, well, the problem likely lies with the author (excluding bad faith readings, of course). But if fear paralyzes me I can’t serve the Gods in the way I know best: telling Their stories, Their truths.

May you take this in the spirit it is written, and may it find those it is meant for.

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