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Jay's Introduction

Hello everyone. I'm pleased to be here and meet you all, You can all call me Jay.

I've only very recently come to call myself an Other Person, And I'm looking forward to my time here!!

Welcome Jay! It's good to have you.

As you can tell the forums are pretty quiet. There's a bit more activity on our Discord server, so if you want to join that let me know and I can send you a link. Posting in the forums is definitely encouraged tho!

How did you learn about the Otherfaith? And what made you decide to call yourself an Other Person?

J-7295 has reacted to this post.

Another other person! Hello.

J-7295 has reacted to this post.

I would be happy if you gave me a discord invite!

And i came to the otherfaith after i was browsing a polytheist website. I became disillusioned with my previous religion for many reasons, and i became an agnostic for many years.

When i saw the link for this sight and the religion i grew very curious. After researching the otherfaith and doing some soul searching, I reached out to the Four while laying in bed a few nights ago with the introductory prayer, and it seemed not a few moments later I got an answer!!!

Now, mind you it wasn't anything profound or extreme, it was just a warm feeling of joy in my core, but the impact it had on me was more than anything i had experienced the whole time i was a part of my previous religion.

Since then I decided to happily call myself an other person and give my devotion and adoration to the gods.

Aine Llewellyn and Averill Opal have reacted to this post.
Aine LlewellynAverill Opal

Here's the Discord link:

I'm glad you had such an immediate response! Often such experiences don't have to be big or extreme to be meaningful, I've found.