Category Archives: Gods

Prayers for the Apotheosis of the Dierne

Known more specifically as the Apotheosis of the Dierne Pallis

Otherfaith practitioners might use these prayers in ritual and devotion to honor the Apotheosis of the Dierne. The Apotheosis occurs on July 31, ending Hell Month and moving our energies away from the more morose and traumatic focus it is associated with. These prayers may be said in front of an altar or while going about one’s daily life.

Only the last two prayers (‘O beloved among men…’ and ‘This day…’) use language that ties them specifically to the apotheosis. The other prayers could be used whenever a devotee desired.

The 50 Adorations listed first could similarly be used anytime, ideally when one wanted to really focus upon the Dierne and bring Him into their life. They are meant to inspire His presence and give form to Him within our minds so that He can more easily connect with us. One could make a longer ritual out of the adorations by offering loose incense after each adoration; such a ritual would be quite long indeed consider you would not want to extinguish the charcoal with the incense nor smoke out the room! I have chosen to use 50 adorations as it is nicely half of 100. the Dierne’s ‘sacred’ numbers are four (as He is the Fourth God) and seven (lucky), so a devotee might choose to do adorations based on those numbers (or any multiple of them) instead.

Some of the prayers here have been adapted from the much older (and somewhat outdated) Patheos Pagan post ‘Apotheosis [Prayer]‘.

50 Adorations of the Dierne

I adore you, Pallis
I adore you, Boy Before Stars
I adore you, Child of the Moon
I adore you, Son of the River
I adore you, Most Beautiful of the Heavens
I adore you, Fallen One
I adore you, Shadow Boy
I adore you, You of the Black Heart
I adore you, You Who Rides the Thunder
I adore you, Wicked Wind
I adore you, Boy-King
I adore you, Ambrosia-Scented One
I adore you, Rose-Wearer
I adore you, You Who Drowns
I adore you, You of Murky Waters
I adore you, You of the Dark Soul
I adore you, Heart-Maker
I adore you, You Who Gives Lightning
I adore you, Enthraller
I adore you, Kiss’s Inventor
I adore you, Temptress
I adore you, Orgasm-Maker
I adore you, Silvered One
I adore you, Fierce Breeze
I adore you, You Who Brings Excitement
I adore you, Enrapturer
I adore you, Seducer Supreme
I adore you, Nightly One
I adore you, Violent Storm
I adore you, Dark Sun
I adore you, Black Swan
I adore you, You of Crafty Hands
I adore you, Shapeshifter
I adore you, Beauty Among Beauties
I adore you, Heart-Bearer
I adore you, Spear-Wielder
I adore you, Star Feller
I adore you, Compassionate Killer
I adore you, Breathtaking One
I adore you, You Who Splits Wounds
I adore you, Swordless One
I adore you, You Who Cries Jewels
I adore you, Vodka-stained
I adore you, Bloodied Hands
I adore you, Star Slayer
I adore you, Singer of Sorrow
I adore you, Savior
I adore you, Redeemer
I adore you, Highest Among the Gods
I adore you, Dierne

Three Praises for the Dierne

Boy from the stars,
You who in eternal youth wandered the worlds,
traveling with Sorrow,

O Pallis,
O Star,
we praise you.

You who has known the streets of man and fey
You who in exile turned ever toward your home,
who is Beloved of the Land Itself,

O Pallis,
O Queen of Heaven,
we praise you.

You who will always strive for us
You who will not forsake us
who returns our love endlessly,

O Pallis
O Beloved,
we praise you.

Lend Me…

Lend me your hope,
lend me your love,
lend me your strength that when I falter
I can rise again.
Dierne, lend me your grace.

O beloved among men…

O beloved among men
and most beloved of the Gods:
the Fallen Star
Lover of the Laetha
Most beautiful in the West,
Today is crowned a God Himself.
You who give pleasure, love, and hope –
This day is dedicated to You.

This Day…

Beloved Star, who is Pallis,
the sweetest of eternal flames:
This day you return to us
This day you are a God
This day you wear the crown of stars
and our hearts sing for you.
Beloved, now God – the Dierne.

[All information above is in-process, as the Otherfaith is always under development. It should not be taken as solid canon or ‘law’. Please use the information to explore and experiment as feels appropriate.]

Weekly Devotion Commentary

Last week I posted up weekly devotions for the Four+ Gods. One goal I’m working on this year is worshiping the Gods more, and more intentionally. This means more prayers, more rituals, and more devotionals. More time spent on the Gods and spirits.

Currently, I am focusing on three devotional goals:

  • devotions for each of the Four+ Gods
  • opening and closing the week
  • full and new moons

The full and new moon devotions are less Otherfaith specific and tie more into broader Wiccan-ish Paganism. I have found that an increased devotion and ritual practice ripples throughout ones religious practices, and the Moon Goddess is important in many modern traditions. I don’t know that She has much place in Otherfaith practice, but She does in my own.

The Opening and Closing Week prayers I wrote seem to work fine. I actually like them a fair bit! Figuring out when to use them seems to be the trickier bit. Opening the Week aligns well with Monday and helps get my mind in order for the week ahead. Ending the week, however, is less clear.

Should I end it on Sundays? Then there isn’t really an end to the week at all, and the prayers don’t seem to serve any purpose. Perhaps, instead, Friday, when the weekend begins. This is complicated by ‘weekends’ that don’t always align with the weekend.

Should I use the prayer when taking a break from my devotions? But I don’t actually want to take a break from my devotions in general, at the very least not my morning and evening devotions.

I am still figuring out the placement for the ‘Closing of the Week’ prayer.

Devotions for the Gods

The prayers I used for the devotions were based on older ones, called the Praises, that I came up with years ago. I decided to use them while experimenting with the new devotionals I was working with.

Honestly, I didn’t like them much at all. They felt far too short during times when I wanted to really focus on a deity. When I wrapped them into my morning or nighttime prayers they just didn’t capture the essence of the God that I was trying to call to.

I realized that the naming of the Gods was rather important. An obvious step, but one I completely missed while drafting! I have now added in the specific name of the God I am calling upon, along with various epithets.

I didn’t have most of the offerings I suggested in the devotionals, so instead I would offer incense and prayers. This made me think of creating a variety of devotionals, from more to less intensive, that People could use. I also want to develop prayers/poetry for the devotionals that can easily vary in length.

Figuring out what color candle and what scent of incense to use has been an interesting journey that I’ve really only just begun. For the Clarene, as an example, lush or luxurious scents would be appropriate. Anything that reminds one of luxury and wealth. I foolishly didn’t mark down what incense I had given while doing the devotions and will do so in the future, to keep track of what I feel might work (and what didn’t work!).

Two stanzas may work better for the devotions I am looking to give. Once I’ve brainstormed some, I will share them.

First Draft of Weekly Devotions

Photo by Match Sùmàyà on Unsplash

In the hopes of developing more prayer, ritual, and poetry for the Four+ Gods and Their spirits, I wrote up some simple devotional ideas for the week. These include an opening and closing of the week observance, along with devotions for each of the Four/Four Gods. The prayers I have utilized for the deity devotions are based on older Otherfaith prayers that I compiled together last year.

I will be updating the prayers and instructions as I develop this practice. Feel free to use and adapt the content herein to your needs. (I did not follow these instructions to a tee, even.)

The Devotionals

Opening of the Week

Stand outside the shrine space. Using clean water, anoint forehead, chest, hands, and feet.

May I be blessed.
As this week weaves on,
keep my mind on the gods
and keep my actions right with Them.
Please bless me.

Devotional for the Clarene

To take place on a Monday, during the morning.

Light a candle of an appropriate color (black or gold). Offer incense of a suitable scent, along with a bread and milk offering.

“Esteemed God, I give these gifts to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh greatest God of the West –
She who lifts us to Her height,
who makes in us Her equal –
I praise you.”

Remove the offerings at dusk.

Devotional for the Ophelia

To take place on a Tuesday, during dusk.

Light a candle of the appropriate color (blue shades). Offer incense of a suitable scent, along with a water and flower offering.

“Esteemed God, I give these gifts to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh Beloved in Blue –
She who drowns us in Her waves,
who captures us with time –
I praise you.”

Remove offerings the next day.

Devotional for the Laetha

To take place on a Thursday, during the morning.

Light a candle of the appropriate color (red, yellow, or gold). Offer incense of a suitable scent.

“Esteemed god, I give this smoke to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh frightful fiery one –
He who scorches us bare,
who burns to touch another –
I praise you.”

Remove the candle immediately when done.

Devotional for the Dierne

To take place on a Friday, during the evening.

Light a candle of the appropriate color (black, white, or silver). Offer incense of a suitable scent, along with water and glitter.

“Esteemed God, I give these gifts to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh beloved God above all –
He who offers stars and light,
who teases with sweet song –
I praise you.”

Remove the offerings once the incense has finished.

Devotional for the Laethelia

To take place on a Saturday, at midday.

Light a candle of the appropriate color (pink, light blue, or yellow). Offer incense of a suitable scent, along with salt and water.

“Esteemed God, I give these gifts to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh deep water Girl-God –
She who gives balms,
who soothes every wound –
I praise you.”

Remove offerings at twilight.

Devotional for the Ophelene

To take place on a Wednesday, during the morning.

Light a candle of the appropriate color (purple or silver). Offer incense of a suitable scent, along with water.

“Esteemed God, I give these gifts to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh great God of steel –
She who lends aid,
who steers us right –
I praise you.”

Remove the offerings after your next meal.

Devotional for the Darren

To take place on a Wednesday, during the morning.

Light a candle of the appropriate color (black, red, or brown). Offer incense of a suitable scent, along with dirt or charcoal.

“Esteemed God, I give these gifts to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh Deer of burning stone –
He who smolders with stars,
who makes us humble before Him –
I praise you.”

Remove the offerings after the next meal.

Devotional for the Liathane

To take place on any day, during twilight.

Light a white candle. Offer incense and something broken.

“Unholy God, I give this to you.”

Settle into a prayerful position.

“Oh chaotic dragon of the world –
He who crushes hypocrisy and lies,
who frightens and reveals in turn –
I praise you.”

Remove the offerings immediately.

Closing the Week

Stand within the shrine space. Anoint the exitway with water.

“May this space remain blessed.
Even as my eyes turn elsewhere,
Even as the week ends,
may I remain right by You.”

[All information above is in-process, as the Otherfaith is always under development. It should not be taken as solid canon or ‘law’. Please use the information to explore and experiment as feels appropriate.]

Time + Place #2 and A New Fairy Tale

Two new posts from Averill, one of the Other People. The first is a lovely post on the Darren (similar to Averill’s earlier post on the Liathane), and the second is a new story for the meeting of the Clarene and Ophelia. Please give them both a read!

Though restrained and slow in that earlier form as the man of embers and stone, here the phantom stag of the Darren was quick-footed and light, radiating strange power. Here he seemed undeniably ethereal, undeniably fae. There was no mistaking the meaning and origin of this creature in the woods.

Time + Place #2: the Spectre of the Forest

The box was small and intricate, covered in expensive silks and embroidered with the finest gold thread, with powerful magic coursing through the gilded decorations on its surface. Upon its lid was a hole in the shape of a heart, that when the girl’s heart was pressed within it, the bright threads and rich cloths would knit around it and bind it tight, sealing the princess within.

Fairy Tales: The Wishing Well