Weekly Linkage

Here’s a cool and informative glossary for terms used in the LV-246 Tradition.

And here’s an awesome poem by Nimue Brown, about romance and metaphors and – just read it.

Paganism. What a great big, wide open expanse that this is. And yet, I have always wondered what draws people to it – what are they seeking from it – what are they expecting of it… Why this? Why here? Why now? Such a perplexing part of this concept of Spirituality to explore, and yet I know that what I write here is only going to be a small part of it because people are individuals. And individuals can have so many varied reasons for doing any one particular thing.

Tommy Elf, ‘Hard work, Dedication, Communication. Do You Think It Is Worth It?

Jean Pagano, on PaganSquare, has a prayer for ‘corners’.

How do you tell, from the outside, if someone is doing the needful inner work to keep their life and/or their art in order? How much space do you give someone to stare dreamily into the middle distance? The odds are it will depend a lot on what they do the rest of the time, and how much you value that. None of us are under any obligation to find anyone else’s processes acceptable – it’s all about negotiation in the end. How we make space for each other is an important question in all relationships.

Nimue Brown, ‘Creatively doing nothing

Laura Perry, also over on PaganSquare, wrote about reconstruction vs revival, from a Minoan Pagan perspective.

Here are two posts from Yvonne Aburrow: the first a recent post on fire within Paganism and history and the second an older post (from 2013) about what sacraments look like in various Pagan traditions.