Results from First Canonization Poll

In order to establish a solid canon for the Otherfaith myths, I’ve begun a series of polls to allow the community to decide what will be considered canonical going forth. It’s important to note that the options that do not become enshrined as canon will not be considered ‘bad’, ‘wrong’, or ‘off-limits’. The main goal of establish a clearer canon is so that we can include the stories in printed materials and begin delineating between canon and headcanon.

These are the results from the first poll, focusing on the creation of the Westernlands and beginning of the mythic storyline.

(As a note, I did not vote in this poll. I was able to see the results as they came in and felt it would be unfair to submit my own votes when the purposes was to gauge the community’s perspectives.)

Origins of the Clarene & Ophelia

Pie chart showing results for 'Who should the Clarene be born to?'. 83.3% voted for 'Unnamed fairy queen'; 16.7% voted for 'Named fairy queen from folklore/history'; 0% voted for 'Named fairy queen (non-historical)'. 6 responses total.

The Clarene’s fairy mother has not been named previously, so the results of this question were not surprising. Going forward there will not be a canonical name for the Clarene’s fairy mother. This will likely not be an issue, as her mother is not included in any devotional or religious practices in the ‘faith.

Pie chart showing results for 'Where should the Clarene's birthplace be?'. 66.7% voted for 'Border of Germany and France'; 33.3% voted for 'Unspecified'; 0% voted for Germany; 0% voted for France; 0% voted for British Isles. 6 responses total.

I had written in older posts on the Clarene that her mythic origins were in Germany or France. Having now lived in Western Germany that impression has only increased. This question was a bit more split but ended with a preference for the Clarene’s birthplace being on the border of the two countries. What impact this will have upon devotional practice remains to be seen.

Pie chart showing the results for 'Should the fairy princess Clarene falls in love with be named?'. 100% voted for 'Yes'; 0% voted for 'No'. 6 responses total.

Originally the fairy princess in the Clarene’s origin story was not named, but in the community she is commonly called Irene. We will be polling regarding what name to use going forward as well. Having a name allows us to include her more easily in prayers and rituals.

Pie chart showing the results for 'Where should the Clarene encounter the Ophelia?'. 83.3% voted for 'Unspecified'; 16.7% voted for 'United States of America (West Coast)'; 0% voted for 'United States of America (East Coast)'; 0% voted for 'Western Coast of Europe'. 6 responses total.

Within official documents and writing for the Otherfaith, the Clarene and Ophelia’s meeting will not be assigned a specific location. Individual worshipers can assign a specific location in their own private practice, however. As an example, I might live near or visit a river that splits two very different environments (maybe one side is more developed by humans and the other more wild); I might perform a prayer or ritual and refer to the meeting of the two first gods as I pray. Keeping it unspecified in canon allows for more variance in our own practices, as we won’t feel the need to refer to a specific place or visit a specific locale.

Pie chart showing the results for 'Should the Ophelia be tied to a specific real-world river?'. 80% voted for 'No'; 20% voted for 'Yes'. 5 responses total.

Similar to the above question, though an official real-world river will not be assigned to the Ophelia, Other People should definitely use their own local landscape to connect with the gods. The Ophelia seems to resonate with the majority of rivers, but most especially those around which major cities have been built.

The Fall of Pallis

Pie chart showing results for 'When should Pallis' birth take place?'. 66.7% voted for 'Before the creation of the Westernlands'; 33.3% voted for 'At the creation of the Westernlands'; 0% voted for 'After the creation of the Westernlands'. 6 responses total.

The first question were I differed from the majority vote! We will go into Pallis’ story in future polls. I’ll have to adjust some prayers I’ve written, but apart from that I’m not sure what else will change with this canon.

Pie chart showing results for 'Where should Pallis be trapped?'. 50% voted for 'Unspecified'; 33.3% voted for 'Do not assign a real world object to the prison'; 16.7% voted for 'The Moon'; 0% voted for 'A (real) distant planet)'. 6 responses total.

Pallis is trapped by the other stars, eventually breaking out of his prison to fall to the Westernlands. His prison has never been assigned in past stories, and going forward the prison will remain vague.

Pie chart showing results for 'What fundamental change(s) should occur when stars fall? (Multiple Choice)'. 4 people voted for 'They become mortal (Mortality)'; 1 person voted for 'They gain gender/Ability to have gender'; 1 person voted for 'They gain sexuality/desire'. 4 responses total.

For these multiple choice questions, answers that got the most votes would become canon. Mortality being gained when stars fall will become canon; the two others are, again, perfectly fine for headcanon but won’t be included in official texts.

Pie chart showing results for 'Should Mircea/Misia fall along with Pallis?'. 83.3% voted for 'Yes'; 16.7% voted for 'No'. 6 responses total.

This question does impact the myths quite severely; the way the stories play out and the themes change a lot without Mircea involved. We’ve largely treated Mircea as a given in the mythology for years now; I was pleasantly surprised to see a dissenting vote honestly!

The Mortal Falls into the West

Pie chart showing results for 'Which name should be used for the Mortal?' 100% voted for 'Arabella'; 0% voted for 'Asier'. 4 responses total.

Arabella and Asier are essentially the same core personality, just with a different gender, so either one could have worked as the first mortal to fall into the West. With Arabella being the origin mortal, Asier will be the mortal who returns with Pallis to restore the West after its destruction.

Pie chart showing results for 'What happens when mortals fall into the West?' (Multiple choice). 6 people voted for 'Change depends on the individual'; 2 people voted for 'They become non-human in some way'; 0 people voted for 'Their gender changes'; 0 people voted for 'Nothing'. 6 responses total.

Again, the multiple choice questions, answers with the most responses become canon. Changes will occur to mortals that fall into the West, mythically, but it will be dependent on the individual and not a universal/static change.

Pie chart showing results for 'Why does the Mortal fall?'. 50% voted for 'They accidentally fall in'; 50% voted for 'They are seeking out fairyland'; 0% voted for '"Falling" is a metaphor for death'; 0% voted for 'They are pulled in by a fairy'. 6 responses total.

Finally, we get to the question that resulted in a tie. We will be discussing which option will become canon in our community areas, in order to break the tie. (This will take place on the Discord but discussion is also welcome in our FB group, Reddit, and the forums on this website.)