Weekly Linkage

First off, Tanisha la Rosa on The Lure of Beauty has a post on ways to keep yourself from falling into despair in tough times.

We are not so very special that we are going to experience something that no one has never felt before.

Silence Maestas, ‘Private sorrows, future perceptions

Priestess of Aphrodite wrote on bringing magical practices into your daily life.

I quite enjoyed this post by John Beckett. One thing that stood out to me was the idea of not assuming someone is mentally ill because they are experiencing something you have not or do not believe is possible. Often within our various communities (Pagan and polytheist) I have found a dismissiveness, if not outright hostility, toward those who have ‘odd’ experiences. I believe such a hostile approach does no one any good. I also liked Beckett’s post on removing curses we place on ourselves.

This post on genius loci serves as a great introduction to working with them. I first remember learning about these spirits in a dusty little text on Roman religion back in high school. The concept of the genius loci impacted my growing spiritual practices heavily.

Cyndi Brennan’s post on assumed familiarity reminded me of some reading I’ve done recently regarding cults and cult identity.

Scarlet Magdalene reviewed John Beckett’s latest book, Paganism In Depth.

Finally, I loved this post on house magic by Camelia Elias.